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Соответствие типов С и Delphi

Delphi , Синтаксис , Типы и Переменные

Соответствие типов С и Delphi

Автор: http://www.swissdelphicenter.ch

C Type    | Pascal    | Description  
LPSTR       PAnsiChar;  String >pointer  
LPCSTR      PAnsiChar;  String >pointer  
DWORD       Integer;    Whole numbers  
BOOL        LongBool;   Boolean values  
PBOOL       ^BOOL;      Pointer to a Boolean value  
Pbyte       ^Byte;      Pointer to a byte value  
PINT        ^Integer;   Pointer to an integer value  
Psingle     ^Single;    Pointer to a single (floating point) value  
PWORD       ^Word;      Pointer to a 16-bit value  
PDWORD      ^DWORD;     Pointer to a 32-bit value  
LPDWORD     PDWORD;     Pointer to a 32-bit value  
UCHAR       Byte;       8-bit values (can represent characters)  
PUCHAR      ^Byte;      Pointer to 8-bit values  
SHORT       Smallint;   16-bit whole numbers  
UINT        Integer;    32-bit whole numbers. Traditionally,  
                        this was used to represent unsigned integers,  
                        but Object Pascal does not have a true  
                        unsigned integer data type.  
PUINT       ^UINT;      Pointer to 32-bit whole numbers  
ULONG       Longint;    32-bit whole numbers. Traditionally,  
                        this was used to represent unsigned integers,  
                        but Object Pascal does not have a true  
                        unsigned integer data type.  
PULONG      ^ULONG;     Pointer to 32-bit whole numbers  
PLongint    ^Longint;   Pointer to 32-bit values  
PInteger    ^Integer;   Pointer to 32-bit values  
PSmallInt   ^Smallint;  Pointer to 16-bit values  
PDouble     ^Double;    Pointer to double (floating point) values  
LCID        DWORD;      A local identifier  
LANGID      Word;       A language identifier  
THandle     Integer;    An object handle. Many Windows API functions return a value  
                        of type THandle, which identobject ifies that object within  
                        Windows'internal object tracking tables.  
PHandle     ^THandle;   A pointer to a handle  
WPARAM      Longint;    A 32-bit message parameter. Under earlier versions of Windows,  
                        this was a 16-bit data type.  
LPARAM      Longint;    A 32-bit message parameter  
LRESULT     Longint;    A 32-bit function return value  
HWND        Integer;    A handle to a window. All windowed controls, child windows,  
                        main windows, etc., have a corresponding window handle that  
                        identifies them within Windows'internal tracking tables.  
HHOOK       Integer;    A handle to an installed Windows system hook  
ATOM        Word;       An index into the local or global atom table for a string  
HGLOBAL     THandle;    A handle identifying a globally allocated dynamic memory object.  
                        Under 32-bit Windows, there is no distinction between globally  
                        and locally allocated memory.  
HLOCAL      THandle;    A handle identifying a locally allocated dynamic memory object.  
                        Under 32-bit Windows, there is no distinction between globally  
                        and locally allocated memory.  
FARPROC     Pointer;    A pointer to a procedure, usually used as a parameter type in  
                        functions that require a callback function  
HGDIOBJ     Integer;    A handle to a GDI object. Pens, device contexts, brushes, etc.,  
                        all have a handle of this type that identifies them within  
                        Windows'internal tracking tables.  
HBITMAP     Integer;    A handle to a Windows bitmap object  
HBRUSH      Integer;    A handle to a Windows brush object  
HDC         Integer;    A handle to a device context  
HENHMETAFILE  Integer;  A handle to a Windows enhanced metafile object  
HFONT       Integer;    A handle to a Windows logical font object  
HICON       Integer;    A handle to a Windows icon object  
HMENU       Integer;    A handle to a Windows menu object  
HMETAFILE   Integer;    A handle to a Windows metafile object  
HINST       Integer;    A handle to an instance object  
HMODULE     HINST;      A handle to a module  
HPALETTE    Integer;    A handle to a Windows color palette  
HPEN        Integer;    A handle to a Windows pen object  
HRGN        Integer;    A handle to a Windows region object  
HRSRC       Integer;    A handle to a Windows resource object  
HKL         Integer;    A handle to a keyboard layout  
HFILE       Integer;    A handle to an open file  
HCURSOR     HICON;      A handle to a Windows mouse cursor object  
COLORREF    DWORD;      A Windows color reference value, containing values  
                        for the red, green, and of ;bsp;blue components of a color 

Статья описывает соответствие типов языка Си и Delphi, представляя таблицу со сравнением типов данных из обоих языков.

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