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Проверить, содержит ли окно набор Unicode символов

Delphi , Программа и Интерфейс , Формы

Проверить, содержит ли окно набор Unicode символов

Оформил: DeeCo
Автор: http://www.swissdelphicenter.ch

  The IsWindowUnicode function 
  determines whether the specified window is a native Unicode window 

  The character set of a window is determined by the use of the RegisterClass function. 
  If the window class was registered with the ANSI version of RegisterClass (RegisterClassA), 
  the character set of the window is ANSI. If the window class was registered with the Unicode 
  version of RegisterClass (RegisterClassW), the character set of the window is Unicode. 

  The system does automatic two-way translation (Unicode to ANSI) for window messages. 
  For example, if an ANSI window message is sent to a window that uses the Unicode character set, 
  the system translates that message into a Unicode message before calling the window procedure. 
  The system calls IsWindowUnicode to determine whether to translate the message. 


 procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
   {determine if the window is a Unicode window}
   if (IsWindowUnicode(Form1.Handle)) then
     Button1.Caption := 'This window is a Unicode window'
     Button1.Caption := 'This window is not a Unicode window'

Статья описывает функцию IsWindowUnicode, которая determines whether the specified window is a native Unicode window, и предоставляет пример кода на языке Delphi для проверки, является ли окно Unicode-окном.

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