Удаление Debug informationDelphi , Программа и Интерфейс , IDE и КомпиляторАвтор : Jordan Russell Статья посвящена тому, что как заставить Delphi - вские, программы стать действительно Release а не Debug. program StripReloc; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} { StripReloc v1.12 Strip relocation section from Win32 PE files Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Jordan Russell. All rights reserved. http://www.jrsoftware.org/ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. $jrsoftware: stripreloc/StripReloc.dpr,v 1.12 2004/02/24 06:40:04 jr Exp $ } uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes; {x$R *.RES} const Version = '1.12'; var KeepBackups: Boolean = True; WantValidChecksum: Boolean = False; ForceStrip: Boolean = False; ImageHlpHandle: THandle; CheckSumMappedFile: function(BaseAddress: Pointer; FileLength: DWORD; HeaderSum: PDWORD; CheckSum: PDWORD): PImageNtHeaders; stdcall; function CalcChecksum(const FileHandle: THandle): DWORD; var H: THandle; M: Pointer; OldSum: DWORD; begin M := nil; H := CreateFileMapping(FileHandle, nil, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, nil); if H = 0 then RaiseLastWin32Error; try M := MapViewOfFile(H, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); Win32Check(CheckSumMappedFile(M, GetFileSize(FileHandle, nil), @OldSum, @Result) <> nil); finally if Assigned(M) then UnmapViewOfFile(M); CloseHandle(H); end; end; procedure Strip(const Filename: String); type PPESectionHeaderArray = ^TPESectionHeaderArray; TPESectionHeaderArray = array[0..$7FFFFFFF div SizeOf(TImageSectionHeader)-1] of TImageSectionHeader; var BackupFilename: String; F, F2: File; EXESig: Word; PEHeaderOffset, PESig: Cardinal; PEHeader: TImageFileHeader; PEOptHeader: ^TImageOptionalHeader; PESectionHeaders: PPESectionHeaderArray; BytesLeft, Bytes: Cardinal; Buf: array[0..8191] of Byte; I: Integer; RelocVirtualAddr, RelocPhysOffset, RelocPhysSize: Cardinal; OldSize, NewSize: Cardinal; TimeStamp: TFileTime; begin PEOptHeader := nil; PESectionHeaders := nil; try RelocPhysOffset := 0; RelocPhysSize := 0; BackupFilename := Filename + '.bak'; Write(Filename, ': '); AssignFile(F, Filename); FileMode := fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite; Reset(F, 1); try OldSize := FileSize(F); GetFileTime(TFileRec(F).Handle, nil, nil, @TimeStamp); BlockRead(F, EXESig, SizeOf(EXESig)); if EXESig <> $5A4D {'MZ'} then begin Writeln('File isn''t an EXE file (1).'); Exit; end; Seek(F, $3C); BlockRead(F, PEHeaderOffset, SizeOf(PEHeaderOffset)); if PEHeaderOffset = 0 then begin Writeln('File isn''t a PE file (1).'); Exit; end; Seek(F, PEHeaderOffset); BlockRead(F, PESig, SizeOf(PESig)); if PESig <> $00004550 {'PE'#0#0} then begin Writeln('File isn''t a PE file (2).'); Exit; end; BlockRead(F, PEHeader, SizeOf(PEHeader)); if not ForceStrip and (PEHeader.Characteristics and IMAGE_FILE_DLL <> 0) then begin Writeln('Skipping; can''t strip a DLL.'); Exit; end; if PEHeader.Characteristics and IMAGE_FILE_RELOCS_STRIPPED <> 0 then begin Writeln('Relocations already stripped from file (1).'); Exit; end; PEHeader.Characteristics := PEHeader.Characteristics or IMAGE_FILE_RELOCS_STRIPPED; GetMem(PEOptHeader, PEHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader); BlockRead(F, PEOptHeader^, PEHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader); if (PEOptHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC].VirtualAddress = 0) or (PEOptHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC].Size = 0) then begin Writeln('Relocations already stripped from file (2).'); Exit; end; RelocVirtualAddr := PEOptHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC].VirtualAddress; PEOptHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC].VirtualAddress := 0; PEOptHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BASERELOC].Size := 0; if not WantValidChecksum then PEOptHeader.CheckSum := 0; GetMem(PESectionHeaders, PEHeader.NumberOfSections * SizeOf(TImageSectionHeader)); BlockRead(F, PESectionHeaders^, PEHeader.NumberOfSections * SizeOf(TImageSectionHeader)); for I := 0 to PEHeader.NumberOfSections-1 do with PESectionHeaders[I] do if (VirtualAddress = RelocVirtualAddr) and (SizeOfRawData <> 0) then begin RelocPhysOffset := PointerToRawData; RelocPhysSize := SizeOfRawData; SizeOfRawData := 0; Break; end; if RelocPhysOffset = 0 then begin Writeln('Relocations already stripped from file (3).'); Exit; end; if RelocPhysSize = 0 then begin Writeln('Relocations already stripped from file (4).'); Exit; end; for I := 0 to PEHeader.NumberOfSections-1 do with PESectionHeaders[I] do begin if PointerToRawData > RelocPhysOffset then Dec(PointerToRawData, RelocPhysSize); if PointerToLinenumbers > RelocPhysOffset then Dec(PointerToLinenumbers, RelocPhysSize); if PointerToRelocations <> 0 then begin { ^ I don't think this field is ever used in the PE format. StripRlc doesn't handle it. } Writeln('Cannot handle this file (1).'); Exit; end; end; if PEOptHeader.ImageBase < $400000 then begin Writeln('Cannot handle this file -- the image base address is less than 0x400000.'); Exit; end; finally CloseFile(F); end; if FileExists(BackupFilename) then Win32Check(DeleteFile(BackupFilename)); Rename(F, BackupFilename); try FileMode := fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite; Reset(F, 1); try AssignFile(F2, Filename); FileMode := fmOpenWrite or fmShareExclusive; Rewrite(F2, 1); try BytesLeft := RelocPhysOffset; while BytesLeft <> 0 do begin Bytes := BytesLeft; if Bytes > SizeOf(Buf) then Bytes := SizeOf(Buf); BlockRead(F, Buf, Bytes); BlockWrite(F2, Buf, Bytes); Dec(BytesLeft, Bytes); end; Seek(F, Cardinal(FilePos(F)) + RelocPhysSize); BytesLeft := FileSize(F) - FilePos(F); while BytesLeft <> 0 do begin Bytes := BytesLeft; if Bytes > SizeOf(Buf) then Bytes := SizeOf(Buf); BlockRead(F, Buf, Bytes); BlockWrite(F2, Buf, Bytes); Dec(BytesLeft, Bytes); end; Seek(F2, PEHeaderOffset + SizeOf(PESig)); BlockWrite(F2, PEHeader, SizeOf(PEHeader)); BlockWrite(F2, PEOptHeader^, PEHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader); BlockWrite(F2, PESectionHeaders^, PEHeader.NumberOfSections * SizeOf(TImageSectionHeader)); if WantValidChecksum then begin PEOptHeader.CheckSum := CalcChecksum(TFileRec(F2).Handle); { go back and rewrite opt. header with new checksum } Seek(F2, PEHeaderOffset + SizeOf(PESig) + SizeOf(PEHeader)); BlockWrite(F2, PEOptHeader^, PEHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader); end; NewSize := FileSize(F2); SetFileTime(TFileRec(F2).Handle, nil, nil, @TimeStamp); finally CloseFile(F2); end; finally CloseFile(F); end; except DeleteFile(Filename); AssignFile(F, BackupFilename); Rename(F, Filename); raise; end; Writeln(OldSize, ' -> ', NewSize, ' bytes (', OldSize - NewSize, ' difference)'); if not KeepBackups then if not DeleteFile(BackupFilename) then Writeln('Warning: Couldn''t delete backup file ', BackupFilename); finally FreeMem(PESectionHeaders); FreeMem(PEOptHeader); end; end; var SR: TSearchRec; S: String; FilesList: TStringList; P, I: Integer; HasFileParameter: Boolean = False; NumFiles: Integer = 0; label 1; begin try Writeln('StripReloc v' + Version + ', Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Jordan Russell, www.jrsoftware.org'); if ParamCount = 0 then begin Writeln('Strip relocation section from Win32 PE files'); Writeln; 1:Writeln('usage: stripreloc [switches] filename.exe'); Writeln; Writeln('switches: /B don''t create .bak backup files'); Writeln(' /C write a valid checksum in the header (instead of zero)'); Writeln(' /F force stripping DLLs instead of skipping them. do not use!'); Halt(1); end; Writeln; for P := 1 to ParamCount do begin S := ParamStr(P); if S[1] <> '/' then Continue; Delete(S, 1, 1); I := 1; while I <= Length(S) do begin case UpCase(S[I]) of '?': goto 1; 'B': begin KeepBackups := False; if I < Length(S) then begin { For backward compatibility, do keep backups if the character following 'B' is a '+'. } if S[I+1] = '+' then begin KeepBackups := True; Inc(I); end else if S[I+1] = '-' then Inc(I); end; end; 'C': begin ImageHlpHandle := LoadLibrary('imagehlp.dll'); if ImageHlpHandle = 0 then begin Writeln('Error: Unable to load imagehlp.dll.'); Writeln(' It is required when using the /C parameter.'); Halt(1); end; CheckSumMappedFile := GetProcAddress(ImageHlpHandle, 'CheckSumMappedFile'); if @CheckSumMappedFile = nil then begin Writeln('Error: Unable to get address of CheckSumMappedFile in imagehlp.dll.'); Writeln(' It is required when using the /C parameter.'); Halt(1); end; WantValidChecksum := True; end; 'F': ForceStrip := True; else Writeln('Invalid parameter: /', S[I]); Halt(1); end; Inc(I); end; end; for P := 1 to ParamCount do begin S := ParamStr(P); if S[1] = '/' then Continue; HasFileParameter := True; FilesList := TStringList.Create; try FilesList.Sorted := True; if FindFirst(S, 0, SR) <> 0 then begin Writeln('No files matching "', S, '" found.'); Continue; end; try repeat if CompareText(ExtractFileExt(SR.Name), '.bak') <> 0 then FilesList.Add(ExtractFilePath(S) + SR.Name); until FindNext(SR) <> 0; finally FindClose(SR); end; for I := 0 to FilesList.Count-1 do Strip(FilesList[I]); Inc(NumFiles); finally FilesList.Free; end; end; if not HasFileParameter then goto 1; if NumFiles = 0 then Halt(2); except on E: Exception do begin Writeln('Fatal error: ', E.Message); Halt(3); end; end; end. Программа на Delphi, которая удаляет секцию relocation из файлов Win32 PE, используемую для удаления информации о отладке из исполняемых файлов. Описание работы программы:
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