Получить список дисков и сведения о выбранном дискеDelphi , Файловая система , ДискиАвтор: Xavier Pacheco unit MainFrm; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, FileCtrl; type TMainForm = class(TForm) btnGetDriveTypes: TButton; lbDrives: TListBox; lblSectPerClust2: TLabel; lblBytesPerSector2: TLabel; lblNumFreeClusters2: TLabel; lblTotalClusters2: TLabel; lblSectPerCluster: TLabel; lblBytesPerSector: TLabel; lblNumFreeClust: TLabel; lblTotalClusters: TLabel; lblFreeSpace2: TLabel; lblTotalDiskSpace2: TLabel; lblFreeSpace: TLabel; lblTotalDiskSpace: TLabel; procedure btnGetDriveTypesClick(Sender: TObject); procedure lbDrivesClick(Sender: TObject); end; var MainForm: TMainForm; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TMainForm.btnGetDriveTypesClick(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; C: string; DType: Integer; DriveString: string; begin { Loop from A..Z to determine available drives } for i := 65 to 90 do begin // Format a string to represent the root directory. C := chr(i) + ':\'; { Call the GetDriveType() function which returns an integer value representing one of the types shown in the case statement below } DType := GetDriveType(PChar(C)); { Based on the drive type returned, format a string to add to the listbox displaying the various drive types. } case DType of 0: DriveString := C + ' The drive type cannot be determined.'; 1: DriveString := C + ' The root directory does not exist.'; DRIVE_REMOVABLE: DriveString := C + ' The drive can be removed from the drive.'; DRIVE_FIXED: DriveString := C + ' The disk cannot be removed from the drive.'; DRIVE_REMOTE: DriveString := C + ' The drive is a remote (network) drive.'; DRIVE_CDROM: DriveString := C + ' The drive is a CD-ROM drive.'; DRIVE_RAMDISK: DriveString := C + ' The drive is a RAM disk.'; end; // Only add drive types that can be determined. if not ((DType = 0) or (DType = 1)) then lbDrives.Items.AddObject(DriveString, Pointer(i)); end; end; procedure TMainForm.lbDrivesClick(Sender: TObject); var RootPath: string; // Holds the drive root path SectorsPerCluster: DWord; // Sectors per cluster BytesPerSector: DWord; // Bytes per sector NumFreeClusters: DWord; // Number of free clusters TotalClusters: DWord; // Total clusters DriveByte: Byte; // Drive byte value FreeSpace: Int64; // Free space on drive TotalSpace: Int64; // Total drive space. begin with lbDrives do begin { Convert the ascii value for the drive letter to a valid drive number: 1 = A, 2 = B, etc. by subtracting 64 from the ascii value. } DriveByte := Integer(Items.Objects[ItemIndex]) - 64; { First create the root path string } RootPath := chr(Integer(Items.Objects[ItemIndex])) + ':\'; { Call GetDiskFreeSpace to obtain the drive information } if GetDiskFreeSpace(PChar(RootPath), SectorsPerCluster, BytesPerSector, NumFreeClusters, TotalClusters) then begin { If this function is successful, then update the labels to display the disk information. } lblSectPerCluster.Caption := Format('%.0n', [SectorsPerCluster * 1.0]); lblBytesPerSector.Caption := Format('%.0n', [BytesPerSector * 1.0]); lblNumFreeClust.Caption := Format('%.0n', [NumFreeClusters * 1.0]); lblTotalClusters.Caption := Format('%.0n', [TotalClusters * 1.0]); // Obtain the available disk space FreeSpace := DiskFree(DriveByte); TotalSpace := DiskSize(DriveByte); lblFreeSpace.Caption := Format('%.0n', [FreeSpace * 1.0]); { Calculate the total disk space } lblTotalDiskSpace.Caption := Format('%.0n', [TotalSpace * 1.0]); end else begin { Set labels to display nothing } lblSectPerCluster.Caption := 'X'; lblBytesPerSector.Caption := 'X'; lblNumFreeClust.Caption := 'X'; lblTotalClusters.Caption := 'X'; lblFreeSpace.Caption := 'X'; lblTotalDiskSpace.Caption := 'X'; ShowMessage('Cannot get disk info'); end; end; end; end. Программное приложение на языке Delphi, которое отображает информацию о дисках компьютера. Пользователь может выбрать диск из списка и затем отобразить различные детали этого диска, такие как количество секторов в кластере, байты в секторе, свободные кластеры, общее количество кластеров, доступное пространство на диске и общий размер диска. Для использования кода выполните следующие шаги:
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