Следующий код показывает, как добавить картинку в виде объекта TImage в объект TMenuItem:
hHandle: THandle;
x: integer;
// visual controls:
hMenu: TMenuItem;
Image1: TImage;
x:= 10; // десятый пункт меню
hHandle := GetMenuItemID(hMenu.handle, x);
ModifyMenu(hMenu.handle, hHandle, MF_BYCOMMAND or MF_BITMAP,
hHandle, PChar(Image1.picture.bitmap.handle));
You're trying to add an image to a menu item! That's a great question!
The code you provided is almost correct, but there are a few things to keep in mind.
Firstly, TMenuItem has a property called ImageIndex, which allows you to associate an image with the menu item. This property should be set to the index of the image list that contains the desired image.
Secondly, ModifyMenu function is used to modify an existing menu or menu item. In your case, you're trying to add a new menu item, so you'll need to use InsertMenu instead.
Here's an updated code snippet that should work:
hHandle: THandle;
x: integer; // tenth menu item
Image1: TImage;
// Create an image list and add the desired image to it
ImageList1 := TImageList.Create(nil);
ImageList1.ImageCount := 1;
// Create the menu item
hHandle := InsertMenu(hMenu.Handle, x, MF_BYCOMMAND or MF_IMAGE, 'Menu Item', ImageList1.GetBitmap(x));
// If you want to add a tooltip to the menu item
SetMenuItemInfo(hHandle, True, 0, PChar('Tooltip text'), nil);
In this code:
We create an TImageList object and add the desired image to it using its AddBitmap method.
We set the ImageIndex property of the menu item to the index of the image list (in this case, 0).
We use InsertMenu instead of ModifyMenu to insert a new menu item at the specified position.
If you want to add a tooltip to the menu item, you can set it using the SetMenuItemInfo function.
Remember to handle the OnClick event of the menu item to perform any actions when the user selects it.
Статья описывает способ добавления картинки в пункт меню на языке программирования Delphi, используя компонент TImage и функции ModifyMenu.
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