Копировать RTF-текст в буфер обменаDelphi , ОС и Железо , Буфер обменаКопировать RTF-текст в буфер обмена
Оформил: DeeCo { You have to dig into the Rich Text Format if you want to copy text to the clipboard that has format information embedded. The application you paste this text into has to understand RTF, or the formatting will not show up. OK, the first step is to register a clipboard format for RTF, since this is not a predefined format: } Var CF_RTF : Word; CF_RTF := RegisterClipboardFormat('Rich Text Format'); { The format name has to appear as typed above, this is the name used by MS Word for Windows and similar MS products. NOTE: The Richedit Unit declares a constant CF_RTF, which is NOT the clipboard format handle but the string you need to pass to RegisterClipboard format! So you can place Richedit into your uses clause and change the line above to } CF_RTF := RegisterClipboardFormat(Richedit.CF_RTF); { The next step is to build a RTF string with the embedded format information. You will get a shock if you inspect the mess of RTF stuff W4W will put into the clipboard if you copy just a few characters (the app below allows you to inspect the clipboard), but you can get away with a lot less. The bare minimum would be something like this (inserts an underlined 44444): } const testtext: PChar = '{\rtf1\ansi\pard\plain 12{\ul 44444}}'; { The correct balance of opening and closing braces is extremely important, one mismatch and the target app will not be able to interpret the text correctly. If you want to control the font used for the pasted text you need to add a fonttable (the default font is Tms Rmn, not the active font in the target app!). See example app below, testtext2. If you want more info, the full RTF specs can be found on www.microsoft.com, a subset is also described in the Windows help compiler docs (hcw.hlp, comes with Delphi). } unit Clipfmt1; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls; type TForm1 = class(TForm) MemFormats: TMemo; label1: TLabel; BtnShowFormats: TButton; BtnGetRTF: TButton; BtnSetRTF: TButton; MemExample: TMemo; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure BtnShowFormatsClick(Sender: TObject); procedure BtnGetRTFClick(Sender: TObject); procedure BtnSetRTFClick(Sender: TObject); private public CF_RTF: Word; end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation uses Clipbrd; {$R *.DFM} procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin // register clipboard format rtf CF_RTF := RegisterClipboardFormat('Rich Text Format'); if CF_RTF = 0 then begin ShowMessage('Unable to register the Rich Text clipboard format!'); Application.Terminate; end; BtnShowFormats.Click; end; // show clipboard formats procedure TForm1.BtnShowFormatsClick(Sender: TObject); var buf: array [0..60] of Char; n: Integer; fmt: Word; Name: string[30]; begin MemFormats.Clear; for n := 0 to Clipboard.FormatCount - 1 do begin fmt := Clipboard.Formats[n]; if GetClipboardFormatName(fmt, buf, Pred(SizeOf(buf))) <> 0 then MemFormats.Lines.Add(StrPas(buf)) else begin case fmt of 1: Name := 'CF_TEXT'; 2: Name := 'CF_BITMAP'; 3: Name := 'CF_METAFILEPICT'; 4: Name := 'CF_SYLK'; 5: Name := 'CF_DIF'; 6: Name := 'CF_TIFF'; 7: Name := 'CF_OEMTEXT'; 8: Name := 'CF_DIB'; 9: Name := 'CF_PALETTE'; 10: Name := 'CF_PENDATA'; 11: Name := 'CF_RIFF'; 12: Name := 'CF_WAVE'; 13: Name := 'CF_UNICODETEXT'; 14: Name := 'CF_ENHMETAFILE'; 15: Name := 'CF_HDROP (Win 95)'; 16: Name := 'CF_LOCALE (Win 95)'; 17: Name := 'CF_MAX (Win 95)'; $0080: Name := 'CF_OWNERDISPLAY'; $0081: Name := 'CF_DSPTEXT'; $0082: Name := 'CF_DSPBITMAP'; $0083: Name := 'CF_DSPMETAFILEPICT'; $008E: Name := 'CF_DSPENHMETAFILE'; $0200..$02FF: Name := 'private format'; $0300..$03FF: Name := 'GDI object'; else Name := 'unknown format'; end; MemFormats.Lines.Add(Name); end; end; end; // get rtf code from clipboard procedure TForm1.BtnGetRTFClick(Sender: TObject); var MemHandle: THandle; begin with Clipboard do begin Open; try if HasFormat(CF_RTF) then begin MemHandle := GetAsHandle(CF_RTF); MemExample.SetTextBuf(GlobalLock(MemHandle)); GlobalUnlock(MemHandle); end else MessageDlg('The clipboard contains no RTF text!', mtError, [mbOK], 0); finally Close; end; end; end; // set rtf code to the clipboard procedure TForm1.BtnSetRTFClick(Sender: TObject); const testtext: PChar = '{\rtf1\ansi\pard\plain 12{\ul 44444}}'; testtext2: PChar = '{\rtf1\ansi' + '\deff4\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f4\froman\fcharset0\fprq2 Times New Roman;}}' + '\pard\plain 12{\ul 44444}}'; flap: Boolean = False; var MemHandle: THandle; rtfstring: PChar; begin with Clipboard do begin if flap then rtfstring := testtext2 else rtfstring := testtext; flap := not flap; MemHandle := GlobalAlloc(GHND or GMEM_SHARE, StrLen(rtfstring) + 1); if MemHandle <> 0 then begin StrCopy(GlobalLock(MemHandle), rtfstring); GlobalUnlock(MemHandle); Open; try AsText := '1244444'; SetAsHandle(CF_RTF, MemHandle); finally Close; end; end else MessageDlg('Global Alloc failed!', mtError, [mbOK], 0); end; end; end. Перевод контента на русский язык: В этом коде демонстрируется приложение Delphi, которое показывает, как скопировать и вставить текст формата RTF (Rich Text Format) в буфер обмена. Описание шаг за шагом каждого элемента кода:
Альтернативное решение: Вместо ручной регистрации и работы с форматом RTF можно использовать компонент Пример:
В этом примере компонент Копирование текста в формате RTF (Rich Text Format) в буфер обмена на языке Delphi. Комментарии и вопросыПолучайте свежие новости и обновления по Object Pascal, Delphi и Lazarus прямо в свой смартфон. Подпишитесь на наш Telegram-канал delphi_kansoftware и будьте в курсе последних тенденций в разработке под Linux, Windows, Android и iOS Материалы статей собраны из открытых источников, владелец сайта не претендует на авторство. Там где авторство установить не удалось, материал подаётся без имени автора. В случае если Вы считаете, что Ваши права нарушены, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с владельцем сайта. :: Главная :: Буфер обмена ::
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