Сохранение состояния ВСЕХ компонентовDelphi , Компоненты и Классы , КомпонентыСохранение состояния ВСЕХ компонентов
Автор: Святослав { **** UBPFD *********** by delphibase.endimus.com **** >> Сохраняет состояние !!!ВСЕХ!!! компонентов (втч и вложенных, втч TYesOrNoDialog) на форме в реестр. Знает кучу классов. Очень удобен, напримр, для руссификации приложения (Создаете *.reg файл, с переведенными property text, caption и т.д.) TStateSaver.RegistryPath:String - то мето в реестре, куда сохранять. .WriteTop, .WriteLeft, .WriteHeight, ... :Boolean - сохранять ли соответствующее Property (нет динамического списка, который можно было бы реализовать, используя GetFieldAddress, по причине невозможности определить состояние ReadOnly :( ) property OnNewComponentSaving:TSaverEvent read _ONNC write _ONNC; property OnNewComponentLoading:TSaverEvent read _ONNCL write _ONNCL; - event'ы вызывающиеся при сохранении/загрузки состояния какого-то компонента. Параметр DoIt:Boolean - сохранить/загрузить или нет. procedure SaveComponentState(C:TComponent; preffix, postfix:String); procedure LoadComponentState(C:TComponent; preffix, postfix:String); -сохранить/загрузить состояние всех под-компонентов компонента C. preffix и postfic - префикс и постфикс имени при сохранении в реестр. Зависимости: Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Registry, Dialogs, Controls, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Buttons, UBPFD.YesOrNoDialog, Menus; Автор: Святослав, lisin@asicdesign.ru, ICQ:138752432, Saint Petersburg Copyright: (C) NetBreaker666[AWD]<SP666>@Svjatoslav_Lisin - т.е. я сам Дата: 11 августа 2002 г. ***************************************************** } unit StateSaver; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Registry, Dialogs, Controls, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Buttons, YesOrNoDialog, Menus; type TSaverEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Target: TComponent; var DoIt: Boolean) of object; TStateSaver = class(TComponent) private { Private declarations } RegPath: string; RegRoot: string; RegRootHKEY: HKEY; WTOP, WLEFT, WWIDTH, WHEIGHT, WTAG: Boolean; WCAPTION, WTEXT, WCOLOR: Boolean; WEnabled, WVisible, WChecked: Boolean; _ONNC, _ONNCL: TSaverEvent; procedure SetRegRoot(S: string); procedure SetRegRootHKEY(HK: HKEY); protected { Protected declarations } public { Public declarations } published { Published declarations } property RegistryRoot: string read RegROOT write SetRegROOT; property RegistryRootHKEY: HKey read RegRootHKEY write SetRegRootHKEY default HKEY_CURRENT_USER; property RegistryPath: string read RegPath write RegPath; property WriteTop: Boolean read WTOP write WTOP; property WriteLeft: Boolean read WLeft write WLeft; property WriteWidth: Boolean read WWIDTH write WWidth; property WriteHeight: Boolean read WHEIGHT write WHeight; property WriteCaption: Boolean read WCaption write WCaption; property WriteText: Boolean read WText write WText; property WriteColor: boolean read WColor write WColor; property WriteTag: Boolean read WTAG write WTag; property WriteEnabled: Boolean read WEnabled write WEnabled; property WriteVisible: Boolean read WVisible write WVisible; property WriteChecked: Boolean read WChecked write WChecked; property OnNewComponentSaving: TSaverEvent read _ONNC write _ONNC; property OnNewComponentLoading: TSaverEvent read _ONNCL write _ONNCL; procedure SaveComponentState(C: TComponent; preffix, postfix: string); procedure LoadComponentState(C: TComponent; preffix, postfix: string); end; TUPC = class(TControl) public property Color; property Caption; property Text; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('NetBreakers', [TStateSaver]); end; procedure TStateSaver.SetRegRoot(S: string); begin S := UpperCase(S); if S = 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE' then begin RegRootHKEY := HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE; RegRoot := S; Exit; end; if S = 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER' then begin RegRootHKEY := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; RegRoot := S; Exit; end; if S = 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT' then begin RegRootHKEY := HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT; RegRoot := S; Exit; end; if S = 'HKEY_USERS' then begin RegRootHKEY := HKEY_USERS; RegRoot := S; Exit; end; if S = 'HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA' then begin RegRootHKEY := HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA; RegRoot := S; Exit; end; if S = 'HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG' then begin RegRootHKEY := HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG; RegRoot := S; Exit; end; if S = 'HKEY_DYN_DATA' then begin RegRootHKEY := HKEY_DYN_DATA; RegRoot := S; Exit; end; ShowMessage('Invalid registry key.'); end; procedure TStateSaver.SetRegRootHKEY(HK: HKEY); begin case HK of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE: begin RegRoot := 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE'; end; HKEY_CURRENT_USER: begin RegRoot := 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER'; end; HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT: begin RegRoot := 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT'; end; HKEY_USERS: begin RegRoot := 'HKEY_USERS'; end; HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA: begin RegRoot := 'HKEY_PERFORMANCE_DATA'; end; HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG: begin RegRoot := 'HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG'; end; HKEY_DYN_DATA: begin RegRoot := 'HKEY_DYN_DATA'; end; else begin ShowMessage('Unknown registry key.'); Exit; end; end; RegRootHKEY := HK; end; procedure TStateSaver.SaveComponentState(C: TComponent; preffix, postfix: string); var T: TControl; R: TRegistry; I: Integer; CC: Boolean; begin CC := True; if Assigned(_ONNC) then _ONNC(self, C, CC); if CC then begin if C is TControl then begin T := C as TControl; R := TRegistry.Create; R.RootKey := RegRootHKEY; if R.OpenKey(RegPath, True) then begin try if WTOP then R.WriteInteger(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.TOP' + postfix, T.Top); except end; try if WEnabled then R.WriteBool(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Enabled' + postfix, T.Enabled); except end; try if WVisible then R.WriteBool(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.TOP' + postfix, T.Visible); except end; try if WLEFT then R.WriteInteger(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.LEFT' + postfix, T.Left); except end; try if WTAG then R.WriteInteger(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.TAG' + postfix, T.Tag); except end; try if WHEIGHT then R.WriteInteger(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.HEIGHT' + postfix, T.Height); except end; try if WWIDTH then R.WriteInteger(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.WIDTH' + postfix, T.Width); except end; if WTEXT then begin try R.WriteString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Text' + postfix, TUPC(T).Text); except try if T is TCustomEdit then R.WriteString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Text' + postfix, TCustomEdit(T).Text); except end; end; end; if WCOLOR then begin try R.WriteInteger(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Color' + postfix, Integer(TUPC(T).color)); except end; end; if WCAPTION then begin try R.WriteString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Caption' + postfix, TUPC(T).caption); except try if T is TButton then R.WriteString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Caption' + postfix, TButton(T).Caption); if T is TCustomLabel then R.WriteString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.caption' + postfix, TCustomLabel(T).Caption); if T is TCheckBox then R.WriteString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Caption' + postfix, TCheckBox(T).Caption); if T is TRadioButton then R.WriteString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Caption' + postfix, TRadioButton(T).Caption); if T is TGroupBox then R.WriteString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Caption' + postfix, TGroupBox(T).Caption); if T is TRadioGroup then R.WriteString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Caption' + postfix, TRadioGroup(T).Caption); if T is TPanel then R.WriteString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Caption' + postfix, TPanel(T).Caption); if T is TSpeedButton then R.WriteString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Caption' + postfix, TSpeedButton(T).Caption); if T is TStaticText then R.WriteString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Caption' + postfix, TStaticText(T).Caption); except end; end; end; end else begin //ShowMessage('Couldn''t open key "'+RegPath+'".'); Exit; end; R.Free; end else begin if C is TYesOrNoDialog then begin R := TRegistry.Create; R.RootKey := RegRootHKEY; if R.OpenKey(RegPath, True) then begin if WCaption then R.WriteString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Caption' + postfix, TYesOrNoDialog(C).caption); if WText then R.WriteString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Text' + postfix, TYesOrNoDialog(C).Text); end; R.Free; end; if C is TPopupMenu then begin R := TRegistry.Create; R.RootKey := RegRootHKEY; if R.OpenKey(RegPath, True) then begin for I := 0 to TPopupMenu(C).Items.Count - 1 do begin if WCaption then R.WriteString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Item[' + IntToStr(I) + '].Caption' + postfix, TPopupMenu(C).Items[I].caption); if WEnabled then R.WriteBool(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Item[' + IntToStr(I) + '].Enabled' + postfix, TPopupMenu(C).Items[I].Enabled); if WVisible then R.WriteBool(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Item[' + IntToStr(I) + '].Visible' + postfix, TPopupMenu(C).Items[I].Visible); if WChecked then R.WriteBool(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Item[' + IntToStr(I) + '].Checked' + postfix, TPopupMenu(C).Items[I].Checked); end; end; R.Free; end; end; end; for I := 0 to C.ComponentCount - 1 do SaveComponentState(C.Components[i], preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.', postfix); end; procedure TStateSaver.LoadComponentState(C: TComponent; preffix, postfix: string); var T: TControl; R: TRegistry; I: Integer; CC: Boolean; begin CC := True; if Assigned(_ONNCL) then _ONNCL(self, C, CC); if CC then begin if C is TControl then begin T := C as TControl; R := TRegistry.Create; R.RootKey := RegRootHKEY; if R.OpenKey(RegPath, False) then begin try if WTOP then if R.ValueExists(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.TOP' + postfix) then T.Top := R.ReadInteger(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.TOP' + postfix); except end; try if WEnabled then if R.ValueExists(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Enabled' + postfix) then T.Enabled := R.ReadBool(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Enabled' + postfix); except end; try if WVisible then if R.ValueExists(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.TOP' + postfix) then T.Visible := R.ReadBool(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.TOP' + postfix); except end; try if WLEFT then if R.ValueExists(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.LEFT' + postfix) then T.Left := R.ReadInteger(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.LEFT' + postfix); except end; try if WTAG then if R.ValueExists(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.TAG' + postfix) then T.Tag := R.ReadInteger(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.TAG' + postfix); except end; try if WHEIGHT then if R.ValueExists(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.HEIGHT' + postfix) then T.Height := R.ReadInteger(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.HEIGHT' + postfix); except end; try if WWIDTH then if R.ValueExists(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.WIDTH' + postfix) then T.Width := R.ReadInteger(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.WIDTH' + postfix); except end; if WTEXT then if R.ValueExists(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Text' + postfix) then begin try TUPC(T).Text := R.ReadString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Text' + postfix); except try if T is TCustomEdit then TCustomEdit(T).Text := R.ReadString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Text' + postfix); except end; end; end; if WCOLOR then if R.ValueExists(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Color' + postfix) then begin try TUPC(T).Color := R.ReadInteger(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Color' + postfix); except end; end; if WCaption then if R.ValueExists(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Caption' + postfix) then begin try TUPC(T).Caption := R.ReadString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Caption' + postfix); except try if T is TButton then TButton(T).Caption := R.ReadString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Caption' + postfix); if T is TCustomLabel then TCustomLabel(T).Caption := R.ReadString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.caption' + postfix); if T is TCheckBox then TCheckBox(T).Caption := R.ReadString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Caption' + postfix); if T is TRadioButton then TRadioButton(T).Caption := R.ReadString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Caption' + postfix); if T is TGroupBox then TGroupBox(T).Caption := R.ReadString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Caption' + postfix); if T is TRadioGroup then TRadioGroup(T).Caption := R.ReadString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Caption' + postfix); if T is TPanel then TPanel(T).Caption := R.ReadString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Caption' + postfix); if T is TSpeedButton then TSpeedButton(T).Caption := R.ReadString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Caption' + postfix); if T is TStaticText then TStaticText(T).Caption := R.ReadString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Caption' + postfix); except end; end; end; end; R.Free; end else begin if C is TYesOrNoDialog then begin R := TRegistry.Create; R.RootKey := RegRootHKEY; if R.OpenKey(RegPath, False) then begin if WCaption then if R.ValueExists(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Caption' + postfix) then TYesOrNoDialog(C).caption := R.ReadString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Caption' + postfix); if WText then if R.ValueExists(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Text' + postfix) then TYesOrNoDialog(C).text := R.ReadString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Text' + postfix); end; R.Free; end; if C is TPopupMenu then begin R := TRegistry.Create; R.RootKey := RegRootHKEY; if R.OpenKey(RegPath, True) then begin for I := 0 to TPopupMenu(C).Items.Count - 1 do begin if WCaption then if R.ValueExists(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Item[' + IntToStr(I) + '].Caption' + postfix) then TPopupMenu(C).Items[I].caption := R.ReadString(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Item[' + IntToStr(I) + '].Caption' + postfix); if WEnabled then if R.ValueExists(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Item[' + IntToStr(I) + '].Enabled' + postfix) then TPopupMenu(C).Items[I].Enabled := R.ReadBool(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Item[' + IntToStr(I) + '].Enabled' + postfix); if WVisible then if R.ValueExists(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Item[' + IntToStr(I) + '].Visible' + postfix) then TPopupMenu(C).Items[I].Visible := R.ReadBool(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Item[' + IntToStr(I) + '].Visible' + postfix); if WChecked then if R.ValueExists(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Item[' + IntToStr(I) + '].Checked' + postfix) then TPopupMenu(C).Items[I].Checked := R.ReadBool(preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.Item[' + IntToStr(I) + '].Checked' + postfix); end; end; R.Free; end; end; end; for I := 0 to C.ComponentCount - 1 do LoadComponentState(C.Components[i], preffix + C.GetNamePath + '.', postfix); end; end. 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